South Cadbury and Sutton Montis Parish Council, previously called South Cadbury Parish Council, covers the two villages in south Somerset. The area is famous as the location of the hill fort of Cadbury Castle, thought by some to be King Arthur's Camelot.
From April 2015, all parish councils who have an annual turnover not exceeding £25,000 were required to have a website. The main aim was to ensure that local councils are being as transparent and open as possible, especially as public money is involved.
Parish council websites are designed for the publication of key spending and governance information, including, but not limited to:
With this in mind, South Cadbury and Sutton Montis Parish Council wanted a functional website where they could publish information about the parish council including agendas, minutes, meeting dates and contact details for their councillors.
We ensured that their new website was not only functional but also beautifully designed with elegant simplicity. From the calming colour scheme to the soft typography, we wanted to create a website that not only made finding the information easy but also pleasurable.
The completed website was delivered with a Content Management System (CMS) that allows the Parish Clerk to regularly update the website with new content as soon as it is available.
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